Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Interim Report: Sunday Meetings Have Education Focus

On Sunday, the Legislative Oversight Committee on Education Accountability (LOCEA) met to review the annual school facility safety and security measures report. Several schools need the mantrap entrance systems. Only half of schools in the state have weapon detection. Improvements have been made but more are needed.

In the Joint Committee on Education, the Committee heard a presentation on the issues facing school social workers. In 2023, school social workers formed the West Virginia School Social Worker Association (WVSSWA) due to a lack of consistency and educational requirements in the job definition.

In WV, the ratio of school social workers to students is 1 to 15,433. Significantly higher than surrounding states, KY has 3,400 students to 1 school social worker; VA has 2,067 students to 1 school social worker; PA has 3,416 students to 1 school social worker; MD has 2,324 students to 1 school social worker; and OH has 4,855 students to 1 school social worker.

The data on how many school social workers are in West Virginia varies due to inconsistent definitions. WVSSWAA has 40 members. A report on school social workers showed only 25 self-reported school social workers and only 18 in a state-by-state analysis. The data is off because of different job titles, inconsistencies in certifications across states, and a lack of enforcement of school social work certification requirements.

School social workers have varied roles and titles, including assistance attendance director, homeless liaison, truancy diversion specialist, and preschool enrollment coordinator. School social workers have a variety of tasks. Some of those tasks include participating in and assisting with special education plans, preparing social history on students, creating behavior plans, crisis intervention, assisting and referring families to community resources, providing counseling, completing safety and threat assessments, home visits, liaison to CPS, case coordinating, drug court committee, school duties (lunch, pickup and drop off) and educate staff on the cultural, social, and financial situation of the student body.

The WVSSWA is developing a WV school social work best practice guide and continuing education for members. They provide guidance on difficult cases and collaboration with school districts and organizations, as well as the School Social Workers Association of America.

The WVSSWA policy requests are for uniform certification and credentialing requirements for all schools in the state, title protection/definition of what a school social worker is, and funding for school social workers.

A presentation was provided about High Rocks, a grassroots community nonprofit that works to educate, empower, and inspire young West Virginians. The organization has programs for individuals aged 12 to 29. Programs include High Rocks Academy, The Hub Community Café, Tech Express, AmeriCorps, First2 Network, and WV Jobs Networks. For a stronger workforce, businesses must consider job fit finances, and skills/academics needed.

High Rocks’ policy requests are for WV AmeriCorps tuition waiver, second change promise scholarship, confirmation of the appointees to the secondary post attainment council, and a definition of first-generation status.

Finally, Motorola Solutions spoke to the committee on safety and security products. The company has an app for IOS and Android, which has an emergency panic button for active shooter, fire, etc. It provides emergency notification and incident action plans. The app is integrated with command and 9-1-1 centers for increased operational efficiency with instant communication and improved response times. In addition to the app, the company has cameras that can identify suspicious individuals and vehicles and weapon detection.

At 4 p.m. in the Culture Center, the Joint Committee on Education and the Joint Committee on Government Organization will be meeting for a Fire Detection / School Safety Presentation and Demonstration.

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