Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

Senate Finance Hears from Treasurer and Auditor

The Senate Finance Committee heard from State Treasurer John Perdue and State Auditor John McCuskey as to their budget requests for the 2018 fiscal year.

The committee first heard from Perdue, who gave a presentation on the accomplishments of the Treasurer’s office, as well as the problems they could use more funding for.

Perdue asked the committee to appropriate 3.6 million to the Treasurer’s Office, as opposed to the 3.1 million proposed in Governor Justice’s budget bill, in order to fund several programs run by the office that Perdue believes would help lift the state out of “tough, tough times.”

After a long series of questioning, the committee heard a comparatively short presentation from McCuskey.

McCuskey said the 2.7 million allocated to the Auditor’s Office in Justice’s budget proposal is “sufficient enough for us to perform our constitutional duties.”

Committee Chairman Mike Hall (R-Putnam) reminded the committee after the presentations to research and find any information they might not have been able to acquire from questioning the presenters. 

Senate Finance will meet 9:30 a.m. Thursday in 451M.

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