Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Vaccination Exemption Bill Approved in Senate Education

Senate Education met today and discussed SB 401 and SB 537.

SB 401 wouldpermit a county board of education to base its employment decisions, transfers, reassignments, reducing the number of professional personnel, reductions in classroom teaching positions and reductions in the workforce on an individual’s qualifications. The goal of this legislation is to keep the most qualified educators in the classroom.

Chairman Mann (R-Monroe) stepped out of the chairman’s seat to be able to discuss this bill, because he opposed it. He believes we are already keeping our most qualified teachers here and moving from the seniority system could lead to the “buddy-system,” where people are hired because of who they know, not their qualifications. He also felt changing to this system could burden the county boards of education.

Senator Plymale (D-Wayne) said he had an issue with number nine on the list of considerations for filling vacancies. Number nice states, “Other measures or indicators upon which the relative qualifications of the applicant may fairly be judged.” He said without knowing these other measures, he wasn’t comfortable supporting the bill. The bill passed the committee 7-6 and will be sent to the full Senate.

SB 537 wouldprovide exemptions from mandatory immunizations. Sharron Stefan spoke to the committee and stated she has treated children and never saw a serious complication from vaccinations. Senator Stollings (D-Boone) said, “98-99 percent of the health care community is in agreement with vaccines.” He said being able to prevent diseases with vaccines are what we hope for. The bill passed in the committee and will be sent to the full Senate.


The committee recessed until 6:30 p.m. this evening. 

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