Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

College Board Presents Information to Senate Military

Senior Director for Strategic Military Initiatives with the College Board, Lt. Col. Bruce Shahbaz, updated the Senate Military Committee on CLEP tests.  

“The College-Level Examination Program, also known as the CLEP, is a test administered through the College Board which allows for easy access to college credit,” Shahbaz said.  

Like an Advanced Placement exam, Shahbaz explained that the program helps administer credit through 33 subject tests which Shahbaz said are aligned to most college introductory courses.   

According to Shahbaz, the 90-minute online tests have raised degree completion and tests results have shown that those who take the CLEP score equal to or higher than those who take an AP test for a traditional class.  

“The state is doing exceptionally well,” Shahbaz said. “West Virginia’s current pass rate for the CLEP is 70 percent while the national average stands at 50 percent.” 

Shahbaz told the committee that the Department of Defense is currently paying for an initial CLEP exam for those who have an active status in the military. An individual may be reimbursed for the exam under the G.I. Bill as well.  

The committee reported Senate Bills 121, 149, 256 and 297 to the full Senate following referral to the Finance Committee.  

Senate Bill 149 which would exempt certain veterans from concealed weapons license fees. The bill was introduced last session where it died in the House. 


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