The full Senate convened under a committee of the whole to review the omnibus education reform bill, 11:30 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 30.
Senate Bill 451, which would establish complete comprehensive education reform was throughly discussed throughout the day.
Senators received presentations aiming to better explain the bill and were able to converse with counsel concerning the financial and educational aspects of the legislation. Throughout the committee, Senators also heard testimonials from individuals throughout the state, and were given an opportunity to ask questions.
Representatives from around the nation also came to discuss the establishment of charter schools and school choice. Along with education reform, a significant portion of the current proposed legislation deals with the establishment of public charter schools in the state.
Following testimonies, Senators were given the opportunity to ask questions to all speakers present during the committee.
The Senate is adjourned until 9 a.m. with the committee of the whole continuing immediately following floor session.
All discussion surrounding Senate Bill 451 can be found here.