Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Judiciary Committee Approves Proposed Constitutional Amendment

The Senate Committee on the Judiciary met Tuesday afternoon to discuss one joint resolution and two bills on the agenda.

For two days, committee members had long discussions over Senate Joint Resolution 5.

Senate Joint Resolution 5 would amend Article IV of the West Virginia State Constitution. It would clarify that courts have no authority or jurisdiction to interfere with impeachment proceedings of the House of Delegates or the Senate, and that a judgment rendered by the Senate following an impeachment trial is not reviewable in any court in the state. The Committee approved the Resolution, and it was referred to the Committee on Finance.

Senate Bill 317 would authorize three or more contiguous counties to form a multi-county trail network authority. The legislation would allow multi-county trail network authorities to incorporate private land into authority-managed trail systems. Each authority would be governed by a board, and would include and executive director. The director would be required to submit an annual budget.

Senate Bill 408 would clarify who has the authority to make determinations of indigency for the purpose of eligibility for public defender services. Administrators or Public Defender employees would make the determination.

Both bills were reported to the Senate to be voted upon.


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