The Senate Judiciary Committee met Monday afternoon to discuss three bills, all of which were advanced to the full Senate.
One bill, SB 136, prohibits specific misleading advertising practices. An example given by counsel was an advertiser appearing to give medical advice when that advertiser is not qualified. A representative from the U.S. Chamber of Commerce answered questions from the committee regarding the constitutionality of the bill. There had been previous concerns within the committee whether this would impose on free speech practices but the representative assured the committee that this would only apply to false, deceptive, or misleading advertisements.
Senate Bill 208 was also advanced, which aims to protect consumers from the unfair raising of prices during states of emergency. An example of this practice would be dramatically raising the prices of clean water during a water crisis.
The committee also advanced Senate Bill 678, which concerns waiving fines and fees for completing the Getting Over Addicted Lifestyles Successfully Program. The purpose of the bill would be to eliminate obstacles for obtaining a driver’s license for individuals who complete the program.