The Senate reconvened this morning introducing 16 bills, adopting 6 resolutions and presenting one bill for first reading.
Bills introduced today included, Senate Bill 473 which would authorize conservation officers to conduct boat safety checks. Senate Bill 476 which would create the West Virginia Innovation and Development Act. Also introduced today, was Senate Bill 468 which would permit certain retirees employment without an annuity payment decrease.
Senate Bill 381 was presented for first reading. If passed, this bill would regulate the ability of the Division of Banking employees to obtain certain loans.
Members of the Senate also adopted 6 resolutions including Senate Resolution 15 designating today as Law Enforcement Appreciation Day. Members presented the resolution to numerous law enforcement officials from around the state. Also presented with the resolution were the wife and parents of the late Jerry Jones. A Charleston Police Officer, Jones only 27, was tragically killed in the line of duty last fall.
The following committees will meet today:
Health & Human Resources-1 p.m. 451M
Education-2 p.m. 451M
Judiciary-3 p.m. 208W
Finance-3 p.m. 451M
The following committees will meet tomorrow:
Economic Development-9 a.m. 208W
Military-10 a.m. 208W
The Senate will reconvene tomorrow at 11 a.m.