Members of the Senate reconvened this morning at 11 a.m. Highlighting the Session was the advancement of Senate Bill 381 to third reading and a possible vote next week. If passed, the bill would regulate the ability of Division of Banking employees to obtain certain loans.
During the Session members introduced 19 bills, presented seven resolutions and one resolution was adopted.
Bills introduced included Senate Bill 484 which would limit landowners’ civil liability for certain hunting injuries. Also, Senate Bill 495 would require magistrates possess bachelor’s or associate degree.
Additionally, Senate Bill 405 was presented for first reading. If passed, this bill would authorize DEP to promulgate legislative rule relating to oil and gas wells and other wells.
Members adopted Senate Resolution 16 which recognizes the contributions of the WV Women Ordinance Workers.
The following committees will meet on Monday:
Pensions-2 p.m. 208W
Judiciary-3 p.m. 208W
The Senate will reconvene on Monday at 11 a.m.