Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025

Fleet Management Bill Completes Legislation

Senate members reconvened this morning and completed legislation on 23 bills while also adopting three resolutions. Bills completing legislation included Senate Bill 219, known as the fleet management bill, which relates to managing the state motor vehicle fleet and Senate Bill 597 which requires that women seeking abortion be offered the opportunity to view an ultrasound image of the fetus.

Members sent several bills to conference, meaning they will be reviewed by select members of the House and Senate in an effort to reach agreement. Bills sent to conference included House Bill 4207 which would make it unlawful to send obscene, anonymous, harassing and threatening communications by computer, mobile phone, personal digital assistant or other mobile device. Also, House Bill 4177 which would dedicate five percent of the coal severance tax to the county of origin.

The Senate also adopted Senate Resolution 57 which memorialized Gene Carte, a former staff member of the Senate.

The Senate will reconvene this afternoon at 2 p.m.


The Senate reconvened at 2 p.m. to pass 15 bills, including House Bill 4521, called the Second Amendment Appreciation Act, which would create a sales tax holiday for the purchase of guns and ammunition.

Other bills passed include House Bill 4164, also known as Jacob’s Law, which would create a pilot program for the placement of children ages four to 10 in foster care, and House Bill 4031, which would provide flexibility in the West Virginia public schools support plan for funding regional education services agencies.

The Senate is in recess until 5 p.m. this evening.

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