Monday, March 10, 2025
Monday, March 10, 2025

Senate Convenes for the 1st Extraordinary Session

The Senate convened for the 1st extraordinary session this afternoon. The Senate introduced ten bills, Senate Bill 1001 through Senate Bill 1009, and were referred to the appropriate committees.

The following committees will meet today:

  • Finance at 2:35 p.m. in room 451M
  • Judiciary at 2:35 p.m. in room 208W 

The Senate is in recess until 3:30 p.m. 


The Senate reconvened this evening to pass four bills: Senate Bill 1002 which expires funds in the State Fund, the General Revenue and makes supplementary appropriations to MAPS; Senate Bill 1003 which expires funds in the State Fund, the General Revenue and makes supplementary appropriations to various accounts; Senate Bill 1009 which relates to the computation of local share for public school support purposes and Senate Bill 1005 which would allow counties to increase the salaries of elected county officials. These bills now move to the House for passage.  

The Senate received messages from the House and suspended rules to pass five house bills. Of the bills passed, four bills completed legislation: House Bill 101 relates to the transfer of certain revenues derived from lottery archives; House Bill 104 increases the annual cap for collections into the Land division special revenue account of the Department of Agriculture;House Bill 106 relates to the debt service on bonds secured by the State Excess Lottery Fund and House Bill 107 relates to the disposal of drill cuttings and associated drilling waste generated from well sites at commercial solid waste facilities. The Senate made a technical amendment to House Bill 108, which relates to the regulatory system for sexual assault forensic examinations, and now moves to the House to concur and pass.    

All nine bills that completed legislation now move to the Governor for approval. 

The Senate is adjourned Sine Die.  

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