During this morning’s floor session the senate passed seven bills. Included were Senate Bill 37 ,which will create a Revised Uniform Arbitration Act, Senate Bill 255 which will elliminate certain boards, councils, committees, panels, task forces and commissions, Senate Bill 262 which will transfer CHIP and Children’s Health Insurance Agency from Department of Administration to DHHR, Senate Bill 267 which will repeal code relating to Governor’s Office of Health Enhancement and Lifestyle Planning, Senate Bill 295 will establish appeal process for DHHR Board of Review and Bureau for Medical Services decisions and Senate Bill 357 will create a Coal Jobs and Safety Act of 2015.
House Bill 2227, House Bill 2138, Senate Bill 242, Senate Bill 60 and Senate Bill 238 were advanced to third reading while Senate Bill 19 and Senate Bill 361 were laid over a day on second reading.
The Senate also adopted Senate Resolution 25, which designates February 10, 2015 as Corrections Day and Senate Resolution 26 which designates February 10, 2015, Drug Court Day.
The following Senate committees will meet today:
HHR will meet at 1:30 in 451M
Energy, Industry and Mining will meet at 1:30 in 208W
Government Organization will meet at 2:30 in 208W
Education will meet at 2:30 in 208W
Finance will meet at 3:30 in 451M
Judiciary will meet at 3:30 in 208W
The following Senate committees will meet tomorrow:
Transportation and Infrastructure will meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow in 451M
Military will meet tomorrow at 10 a.m. in 451M
Economic Development will meet tomorrow at 1 p.m. in 451M
Natural Resources will meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. in 451M
Pensions will meet tomorrow at 2 p.m. in in 208W
The Senate has adjourned until tomorrow at 11 a.m.