The Senate passed three bills today during the floor session. Senate Bill 277 would require issuance of certificate of birth resulting in stillbirth. Senate Bill 286 would provide medical and religious exemptions from mandatory immunizations for school children. House Bill 2004 would provide a procedure for the development of a state plan under sections of the Clean Air Act.
Senate Bill 421 was rejected on the floor, it would have clarified when punitive damages may be awarded in civil actions, and to limit the amount of punitive damages that may be awarded to comport with the due process rights of defendants.
Senate Bill 42, SB 294 and SB 412 were advanced to third reading and all bills on first were considered read and advanced to second.
The Senate is adjurned till 11 A.M. tomorrow.
The following committees will meet tomorrow:
Natural Resources at 2 P.M. in 451M
Finance at 3 P.M. in 451M
Judiciary at 3 P.M. in 208W
The following Committees will meet tomorrow:
Finance at 9:30 A.M. in 451M