The Senate held a morning floor session on Saturday, passing four bills on to the House for consideration and completing action on another.
Senate Bill 32 completed action after the body concurred in the House amendments to the bill. The measure relates to various mechanisms and deadlines that deal with withdrawal of candidates for office and filling vacancies. This bill now heads to the Governor’s desk for final approval.
Senate Bill 68, which would no longer allow the Health Care Authority to conduct rate review and set rates for hospitals was the subject of much debate and discussion before passing. Senate Bill 326 would repeal and recodify law relating to contributing to delinquency of minor child, Senate Bill 361would prohibit persons who have committed crimes against elderly from performing community service involving elderly, and House Bill 4007 relates to appointment of attorneys to assist the Attorney General. These bills will now head to the House of Delegates for approval.
Senate Bills 531-543 were introduced today.
Senate Judiciary will meet at 12:30 p.m. today in 208W
The Senate has adjourned until Monday at 11 a.m.