Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025

Second Chance Driver’s License Act Completes Legislation

The Senate met today at 11 a.m.

Nine Senate Bills; 54, 259, 202, 352, 468, 505, 625, 634 and 691 completed legislation this morning. Senate Bill 634 establishes the William R. Laird IV Second Chance Driver’s License Act. The purpose  is to create a program that will allow the DMV commissioner to temporarily hold a driver’s license suspension or revocation for the purpose of the applicant obtaining and maintaining employment. For those accepted, the individual must remain current in the repayment of unpaid court costs as a program requirement. These bills now await the Governor’s final approval.

The Senate concurred and passed with House amendments on Senate Bills 306, 311 and 524 and the bills will be sent to the Governor’s office once the House concurs with Senate passage. Senate Bill 306 permits the sale of county or district property online, Senate Bill 311 allows permanent exception for modification or refinancing loans under the Federal Making Home Affordable program, and Senate Bill 524 rewrites the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists article.

32 House Bills were on the third reading in the Senate today. 27 of those bills passed, not including House Bills 4035, 4316, 4606 and 4655, which were laid over one day, retaining their places on the calendar. Once the House of Delegates concurs with Senate amendments, House Bills 2205, 4013, 4038, 4040, 4053, 4060, 4168, 4174, 4237, 4301, 43074314, 4316, 4317, 4323, 4435, 4461, 4463, 4537, 4554, 4575, 4578, 4586, 4594, 4618, 4728 and 4738 will await the Governor’s final approval to complete legislation. House Bill 4352, which relates to the selling of certain state owned health care facilities by the Secretary of the Department of Health & Human Resources, was rejected in the Senate with a 12-22 Y/N vote.

35 House Bills were on the second reading in the Senate and advanced to the third reading for tomorrow. House Bill 4243, which would extend the time that certain nonprofit community groups are exempt from the moratorium on creating new nursing home beds, was referred to the Committee on Rules on second reading.


The State Senate will reconvene for the final day of this legislative session tomorrow, Saturday March 12, at 10 a.m.

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