Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

Senate Completes Legislation on Bill Related to Higher Education

The Senate has completed legislation on three bills today.

HB 2542 will provide more flexibility in human resources and personnel to institutions of higher education.

HB 2590 will update the meaning of “federal taxable income” and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Corporation Net Income Tax Act by bringing them into conformity with their meaning for Internal Revenue Code’s definitions. This bill is effective from passage.

HB 2594 will update the meaning of “federal adjusted gross income” and certain other terms used in the West Virginia Personal Income Tax Act. This bill is effective from passage.

The Senate has also passed seven bills to be sent to the House for further consideration.

SB 25 would establish a credit against personal and corporate income taxes for farmers who donate edible agricultural products to food banks and other nonprofit food programs serving needy persons.

SB 256 would prohibit school personnel who have engaged in sexual misconduct with students or minors from being assisted to find new employment without having that misconduct reported to the appropriate authorities and investigated.

SB 326 would require department of defense family advocacy groups to be notified about any abuse or neglect of a child of a military person.

SB 364 would incorporate changes made to the Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement.

SB 440 would specify where the Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority may invest its excess funds.

SB 455 would remove archaic language regarding commitment orders and to require that the sentencing court complete a certified commitment order in the form provided in this section or in a similar form containing the same information. This bill also clarifies that the sentencing court is required to transmit the certified commitment order to the Commissioner of the Division of Corrections.

HB 2167 would add senior citizens to the Silver Alert program.

Members of the Senate also adopted SR 35 to congratulate Wirt High School’s wrestling team for winning the Class A state championship and SR 36 to designate today as West Virginia State University Day at the Capitol.

Senate Bills 597-604 were introduced. 

Senate Bills 28, 187, 302, 303, 306, 454, 466 and 497 were advanced from second reading. Senate Bills 255 and 531 were requested to lie over one day in second reading.

Of those bills advanced, SB 28 was amended by Senators Ron Stollings, D-Boone, and Robert Karnes, R-Upshur, to create a pilot program for the trails by limiting the bill to two trails for the next five years to determine their success. Once this amendment passed, Stollings again amended the bill to change the law enforcement authority from deputy sheriffs under county jurisdiction to recreation officers who he said would be able to cross through counties and would be much more knowledgeable in maintaining the trails.

Committee Meetings Today

Energy, Industry and Mining: 1:30 p.m. in 208W

Health and Human Resources: 1:30 p.m. in 451M

Government Organization: 2 p.m. in 208W

Education: 2 p.m. in 451M

Judiciary: 3 p.m. in 208W

Finance: 3 p.m. in 451M

Transportation and Infrastructure: 4:30 p.m. (or once Judiciary and Finance have adjourned) in 208W

Committee Meetings Tomorrow

Economic Development: 1 p.m. in 208W

Agriculture and Rural Development: 2 p.m. in 208W

Pensions: 2 p.m. in 451M

The Senate is adjourned until 11 a.m. tomorrow.

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