Monday, May 13, 2024

Senate Health Approves Bill to Allow Telemedicine Prescriptions

The Senate Health and Human Resources Committee has approved four bills to be reported to the full Senate with the recommendation that they pass.

SB 27 would permit certain microprocessed foods to be sold at farmers markets.

Rachel Kaufman of the West Virginia Health Department said the department has concerns about the sanitation of allowing people to make food in their own kitchens rather than in a separate inspection-certified area.

The bill was previously reported out of Senate Agriculture and Rural Development with the recommendation that it do pass.

HB 2509 would permit a physician to prescribe certain controlled substances when using telemedicine technologies.

Mark Spangler of the West Virginia Board of Medicine was available to answer questions from the committee.

Committee counsel made an amendment to correct an issue in the bill.

The bill will be referred to Senate Judiciary once reported.

SB 36 would allow school nurses to possess and administer opioid antagonists at school.

HB 2300 would regulate the use of step therapy protocols by providing a simple and expeditious process for exceptions to the protocols that the health care provider deems not in the best interests of the patient.

The bill was originally passed last year by the governor but was voided due to technical issues with the bill, which have since been corrected.

George Manahan of the Charles Parkinson’s Support Group voiced his support for the bill.

This and the previous bill contain no second references.

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