Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025

Senate Passes SB 609 Creating Flexibility for Use of School Aid Funds

The Senate met this afternoon to pass more bills on third reading.

Senate Bill 446 would authorize the Governor to issue executive orders to furlough state employees. It would give the Governor the authority to declare a fiscal emergency. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 465 relates to medical professional liability. If someone would file a medical malpractice claim against a doctor, it must be signed by a doctor with the same field of study. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 469 would prohibit waste of game animals, birds or fish. There would be a fine of no more than $1000 or incarceration of up to 100 days. They would also lose their license to hunt for five years. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 482 relates generally to the WV Parkways Authority. The bill is one of the Governor’s proposed bills. They would now be allowed to issue bonds to pay for projects financed from tolls. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 484 relates generally to taxation. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 501 relates to the WV Economic Development Authority. The bill would create a minority economic advisement council to help address economic problems of minority populated areas. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 507 would allow pharmacists to inform customers about lower cost alternatives to prescribed drugs. It would make it so the policy of prescribers to inform their customers of all the options financially. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 515 relates to parole requirements of hearings and releases. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 521 relates generally to Public Defender Services. It would allow them to seek legal counsel in the case of voucher disputes. The bill would no longer borrow from the Rainy Day Fund and instead fund it through the General Revenue. Senator Hall (R-Putnam) explained this was so the funding for the program would not dry up. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 526 would require mandatory insurance coverage for inherited enzymatic disorders. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 534 relates to incentives for consolidating local governments. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 549 would allow individuals at least 21 years or older to operate or ride motorcycles without a helmet if the individual has had a motorcycles license for five years, has health insurance, and has paid his health bills. If someone violates this law, there would be a fine of no less than $100-$500. Upon second offense, there may be incarceration.

“This bill is the organ donor act of 2017. I oppose this bill,” said Senator Woelfel (D-Cabell).

“We talk about rights, and it is fun to roll down the highway with the wind in your hair, but this is the right to die. I hope we defeat this bill,” said Senator Stollings (D-Boone).

“We can’t prevent people from making dumb decisions. This bill is about adults who can make their own decisions. This is also a pro-tourism bill and for those reasons I support the bill,” said Senator Rucker (R-Jefferson).

Senator Blair (R-Berkeley) said, “I ride. I know the risk of what could happen every time I get on the bike. This bill doesn’t require you not to wear a helmet. It is the choice of the rider. If someone hits you, it’s not their fault you didn’t wear a helmet.”

The bill was rejected.

Senate Bill 562 relates to civil actions for damages brought against county commissions and municipalities. It was amended on third reading by the Judiciary Committee. Liability for injuries on municipal property are subject to limitations including if the injury happens in the presence of employees or if there is gross negligence. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 563 relates to Consumer Credit and Protection Act. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 576 would provide exception to waste for certain oil and gas development. Senator Ferns moved to amend the bill twice for a technical cleanup. The amendment was adopted. Senator Romano moved to amend the bill many times but only one of them were adopted. Senator Clements moved to amend the bill but his amendment was also rejected. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 588 relates to distribution, reproduction and sale of tax maps. This would create a revenue source for the assessors and give people information. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 606 relates to minimum wage and maximum hours for employees. It would exempt those working at amusement rides and minor league baseball from the laws current requirements. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 609 would create additional flexibility for school systems in use of school aid funds.

Senator Plymale (D-Wayne) said, “Our counties are in a deficit and this bill will call for a tax increase that they can’t afford to do.”

Senator Unger (D-Berkeley) said, “Now that we are empowering the boards of education, people can run for the board of education under the platform that they will decrease taxes.”

Senator Mann (R-Monroe) said, “We can’t keep spending money like its running down the Kanawha river. Expenses cannot exceed revenue and this is a tough decision for me. It is better to put some flexibility in their while we are trying to build industry. This bill is trying to keep the boat afloat.”

Senator Trump (R-Morgan) said, “This bill is a good plan and it holds every Board of Education harmless that gives back to them authority that they’ve had in the past.”

Senator Gaunch (R-Kanawha) said, “This bill has a tremendous amount of flexibilities in it, I think the counties will love it and that it will help them save money.”

The bill was passed and sent to the House with a vote of 17 yeas to 16 nays.

Senate Bill 636 would authorize the State Fire Commission to establish a program to address problems facing Volunteer Fire Departments. The bill was passed and sent to the House.

Senate Bill 637 relates to private club operations requirements. The fees for these private clubs allows for additional licenses to be issued as one license. The bill was passed and sent to the House.


The Senate is now in recess until 6 p.m.

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