Thursday, March 20, 2025
Thursday, March 20, 2025

Senate Passes 11 Bills

The Senate convened today at 11 a.m.

S. B. 30 was passed unanimously with one member absent. The bill would allow hunters and trackers to use a leashed do to track and retrieve a wounded deer or bear. The hunter must have a valid hunting license.

S. B. 307 was passed unanimously. The bill would declare that fundraising by boot drive or bucket brigade on a road or highway by volunteer fire departments, school approved groups and service or charitable non-profit organizations are not considered a nuisance. The fundraising must be done during daylight hours and at a four-way intersection.

S. B. 549 was passed unanimously. It would create the felony charge for harassing or intimidating a public official, public employee, juror or a witness to prevent them from completing their job. Currently it is only a misdemeanor.

S. B. 112, S. B. 359, S. B. 467,  S. B. 491, S. B. 493S. B. 501, S. B. 535 and S. B. 576 were all passed unanimously.

Bills on Second Reading:

Bills on First Reading:

The following bills were taken up for immediate consideration and read for the first time prior to the second committee reference:

The Senate is in recess until 5 p.m.

Committees meeting today:

Finance directly following the floor session in 451M

Government Organization directly following Finance meeting in 208W

Judiciary directly folowing Government Organization in 208W

Committees meeting on Sunday:

Judiciary at 5 p.m. 208W


Update 5:56 p.m.:

The Senate reconvened at 5 p.m.

The body recieved committee reports.

S. B. 563 was taken up for immediate consideration and read for the first time prior to its second committee reference.

The Senate is adjourned until Monday at 11 a.m.

Committees meeting today:

Judiciary at 5:45 p.m. 208W

Committees meeting on Sunday:

Judiciary at 5 p.m. 208W

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