Friday, March 21, 2025
Friday, March 21, 2025

Senate Recieves New Estimate for Fiscal Year 2019

The Senate convened today at 10 a.m.

The body passed over 40 bills on the fiftieth day of the Legislature. This is the last day for the Senate to consider bills on third reading originating in the Senate. 


S. B. 261 was amended on the floor and passed 20-14. The bill would eliminate the W. Va. Affordable Housing Trust Fund and transfer all of its actions and duties to the newly created W. Va. Housing Development Fund.

S. B. 295 was passed 30-4. The bill would amend the Local Powers Act. If the bill passes the House it will not take effect until after the adoption and ratification of S.J.R. 8. As of now this resolution has not been placed on the agenda for this year and S. B. 295 would act as framework to put in place if the resolution were to be adopted and ratified.

S. B. 551 was passed 25-9. The bill would allow the State Auditor, county commission or sheriff to withhold money from the state or county to an employer who becomes delinquent on pension contributions to funds administered by the Consolidated Public Retirement Board. Any person who knowingly and willfully fails to make contributions to the Consolidated Public Retirement Board is guilty of a misdemeanor and be charged a fine or be continued in jail for up to a year.

S. B. 585 was passed unanimously. The bill would alter the county line between Doddridge and Harrison counties to include all of Salem Correctional Center in Harrison County.

S. B. 595 was amended on the floor and passed unanimously. The bill creates The Protect Our Right to Unite Act. It protects an individual’s right to support organizations that align with their beliefs without the threat of intimidation or loss of employment.

S. B. 600 was rejected 17-17. The bill would allow companies to enter into special contracts with Public Service Commission. Consumers in the contracts will be given “special tariffs” which provide economic incentives such as a reduced electric rate as incentive to locate to or remain competitive in the state.

S. J. R. 7 was referred to the Finance committee. The resolution would clarify that the State Board of Education has general supervisory of schools, its authority is dependent on legislative enactment. The Legislature has authority to review the rules and policies of the board.

Other Bills passed today in the Senate:

S. B. 282 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 360 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 401 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 402 was passed 33-1.

S. B. 403 was passed 29-5.

S. B. 419 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 421 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 432 was passed 29-4.

S. B. 442 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 445 was amended on the floor and passed unanimously.

S. B. 448 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 452 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 472 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 485 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 504 was passed 33-1

S. B. 508 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 510 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 530 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 531 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 534 was passed 32-1

S. B. 548 was amended on the floor and passed unanimously.

S. B. 556 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 565 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 567 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 568 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 582was passed 33-1.

S. B. 584 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 589 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 590 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 592 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 598 was passed 28-6.

S. B. 601 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 612 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 616 was passed 31-3.

S. B. 629 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 630 was passed unanimously.

S. B. 631 was passed unanimously.

Bills on Second Reading: 

Bills on First Reading:

The Senate is in recess until 5 p.m.

Committees meeting today:

Government Organization at 2 p.m. 208W

Judiciary at 3 p.m. 208W

Finance at 3:30 451M

Committees meeting tomorrow:

Finance at 9:30 a.m. 451M


Update 6:34 p.m.

The Senate reconvened at 5 p.m.

The Senate recieved Senate Executive Message 2 which amends and replaces the Fiscal Year of 2019 Official Estimate, which was submitted to the Senate on January 10. The message was sent to the Finance committee.

The body to recieve committee reports.

S. B. 632 was taken up for immediate consideration and had the constitutional rule requiring a bill to be read three times suspended.

The bill would allow retired judicial officers recalled to service to avoid limit on temporary payments under certain circumstances. It passed unanimously.

S.J.R. 8 was taken up for immediate consideration and read for a first time.

The Senate is adjourned until tomorrow at 11 a.m.

Committees meeting tomorrow:

Education at 9 a.m. 451M

Government Organization at 9 a.m. 208W

Finance at 9:30 a.m. 451M — was canceled.

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