Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Senate H. B. 4006

The Senate convened at 11 a.m.

The body agreed to a conference committee for the following bills:

S. B. 51

S. B. 282

S. B. 545

S. B. 582

The Senate recieved Conference Committee reports for S. B. 46, and H. B. 4186.

The Senate refused to concur to the House’s amendments for S. B. 392.

The Senate concured with the House’s amendments to S. B. 273, S. B. 506, S. B. 585 and H. B. 4522.

The Senate amended the House’s amendments to S. B. 261, S. B. 275, S. B. 463, S. B. 525 and S. B. 548 and concured with the amended version.

Bills on Third Reading:

S. B. 635 – Relating to 2019 salary adjustment for employees of DHHR – was passes unanimously and sent to the House for further consideration.

H. B. 2008 – Relating to the Dealer Recovery Program – was passed unanimously and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 2655 – Defining and establishing the crime of cyberbullying – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 2799 – Prohibiting the superintendent of schools from requiring a physical examination to be included to the application for a minor’s work permit – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 2869 – Providing for paid leave for certain state officers and employees during a declared state of emergency – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 2982 – Relating to allowing draw games winners to remain anonymous – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 3089 – Relating to the adoption of instructional resources for use in the public schools – was passed 31-2 with one member absent and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 4001 – Relating to eligibility and fraud requirements for public assistance – was passed 27-9 with one member absent and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4002 – Providing that all delegates shall be elected from one hundred single districts following the United States Census in 2020 was passes 30-3 with one member absent and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4006 – Revising the processes through which professional development is delivered for those who provide public education – was passed 18-15 and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4009 – State Settlement and Recovered Funds Accountability Act –  was passed 22-11 with one member absent and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4036 – Increasing the maximum salaries of family case coordinators and secretary-clerks –  was passed unanimously and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 4150 – Prohibiting telecommunications and IP-enabled voice services from displaying the name or telephone number of the recipient – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4156 – Establishing the qualifications of full and part time nursing school faculty members – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4157 – Eliminating the refundable exemption for road construction contractors – was passed unanimously and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 4166 – Establishing a special revenue fund to be known as the “Capital Improvements Fund – Department of Agriculture Facilities” – was passed unanimously and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 4187 – Business Liability Protection Act – was passed 32-1 with one member absent and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4217 – Permitting an attending physician to obtain a patient’s autopsy report – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4233 – Relating generally to fraudulent transfers – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4251 – Permitting employees of baccalaureate institutions and universities outside of this state to be appointed to board of governors – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4270 – Providing for the timely payment of moneys owed from oil and natural gas production – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4320 – Limiting the ability of an agent under a power of attorney to take self-benefiting actions – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4324 – Relating to the employment of individuals by municipal paid fire departments under civil service – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4338 – Relating to the powers and authority of the Divisions of Administrative Services, and Corrections and Rehabilitation of the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety – was passed 32-1 with one member absent and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4345 – Relating to limitations on permits for growers, processors and dispensaries of medical cannabis – was laid over for one day.

H. B. 4350 – Eliminating the regulation of upholstery – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4389 – Expiring funds to the Enterprise Resource Planning System Fund – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4392 – Relating to Medicaid subrogation liens of the Department of Health and Human Resources – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4394 – Relating to forest fires – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4424 – Providing that the Ethics Act applies to certain persons providing services without pay to state elected officials – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4428 – Allowing training hours earned through public school education or apprenticeship to count towards an applicant’s occupational certification – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4431 – Establishing the Mountaineer Trail Network Recreation Authority – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4447 – Providing for a uniform and efficient system of broadband conduit installation – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4465 – Authorizing the acupuncture board to issue certificates to perform auricular acudetox therapy – was laid over for one day.

H. B. 4486 – Relating to persons required to obtain a license to engage in the business of currency exchange – was passed unanimously and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 4488 – Relating to the Hatfield-McCoy Recreation Authority – was passed 31-1 with two members absnet and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4524 – Establishing guidelines for the substitution of certain biological pharmaceuticals – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4558 – Establishing the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Investment Fund in the West Virginia Development Office – was passed unanimously and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 4603 – Providing immunity from civil liability to facilities and employees providing crisis stabilization – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

H. B. 4628 – Relating to authorizing the redirection of amounts collected from certain surcharges and assessments on workers’ compensation insurance policies for periods prior to January 1, 2019 – was passed unanimously and is now awaiting action by the Governor.

H. B. 4629 – Relating to broadband enhancement and expansion policies generally – was passed unanimously and sent to the House to concur.

Bills on Second Reading:

H. B. 4607 was amended on the floor.

The Senate is in recess until 7:30 p.m.

Committees meeting today:

Pensions directly following the floor session in the back of the Senate Chambers

The Conference Committee for S. B. 51 will meet at 6 pm. in 208W

The Conference Committee for S. B. 545 will meet at 7 p.m. in 208W


Update 8:24 p.m.

The Senate reconvened at 8 p.m.

The Senate concured with the amendments to H. B. 4401.

The Senate filed the conference committee reports for S. B. 51 and S. B. 545.

The Senate is adjourned until tomorrow at 11 a.m.

Committees meeting tomorrow:

Conference Committee S. B. 282 9 a.m. 410M


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