Wednesday, March 26, 2025
Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Senate to Receive SB 451 Message Monday

The Senate is set receive a message concerning Senate Bill 451 during Monday’s floor session.  

President of the Senate, Sen. Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, announced the anticipated arrival of the message following Thursday’s passage from the House of Delegates. If passed, the legislation would result in comprehensive education reform to the state.  

Following announcement of the message, eight pieces of legislation were brought before the bodyOf the proposed bills, Senate Bill 60 sparked debate between members of the body. Sen. Eric TarrR-Putnam, opened discussion of the bill which would license the practice of athletic trainers 

Sen. Mike Romano, D-Harrison, expressed concerns over the legislation allowing for athletic trainers to assists in occupational injuries. The Senator said he feared athletic trainers may be ill equipped in addressing occupational injuries and asked why occupational therapists weren’t included in the bill 

Tarr addressed Romano and explained that the bill states that athletic trainers would be allowed to assist in all injuries as long as they consult with another health professional concerning the injuryHe also explained the difference between occupational therapists and athletic trainers to better illustrate how trainers would be better equipped in addressing work injuries.  

Lead sponsor of the bill, Sen. Richard Plymale, D-Wayne, rose in support of the legislation by stating that the bill was a “long time coming.” He also explained that many businesses currently hire athletic trainers to assists with injuries 

Following debate, the bill was unanimously passed by the body.  

Senate Bills 66, 393, 516, 518, 563, 590 and House Bill 2521 were also passed.  

Of the eight bills on second readingonly one received an amendment. Sen. Charles Trump, R-Morgan, rose to explain the amendment which strikes a section of House Bill 2481a bill which would permit the retail sale of alcoholic beverages on Sundays after 1 p.m. 

Additionally, Senate Bills 619 through 634 were introduced. 

  • Senate Bill 620 would require prescriptions to be made by electronic means and providing exceptions
  • Senate Bill 630 relating to the allocation of premiums for employers and employees in PEIA.
  • Senate Bill 632 would require video cameras in certain public education classrooms 

Also passed by the Senate were Senate Resolution 46, which designated Feb. 15, 2019 as Corrections Day, and Senate Resolution 47, which congratulated Spring Valley High School’s volleyball for winning the 2018 Class AAA State Volleyball Championship. A number of guests joined the body in celebrating passage of the two resolutions.  

The following committees will meet today:

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet at 1:30 p.m. in 208W.  



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