Monday, February 24, 2025
Monday, February 24, 2025

Cross Over Day Sees Passage of 29 Senate Bills

A total of 29 Senate Bills passed the Senate during Wednesday’s floor session.  

The extensive calendar arose from cross over day, which requires the passage of bills from their house of origin. 

After extensive debate from members, Wednesdays floor session saw the passage of: 

  • Senate Bill 348relating to tobacco usage restrictions, would increase the the age to purchase tobacco products from 18 to 21 years of age.  
  • Senate Bil522, if passed, would create a Special Road Repair Fund to address the state’s infrastructure issues. According to language of the legislation, repairs would be funded through a $110 million fund operated by the Division of Highways. 
  • Senate Bill 632, if passed, would implement video cameras in self-contained special education classrooms throughout the state. Funding would be provided from the Safe School Fund, established in the bill and funded by the legislature.  
 Other legislation passed by the body were Senate Bill105, 318, 326, 379396, 412, 414, 467, 487, 530, 543555, 564, 574, 605, 625, 633, 637, 657658, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675 and 676 

Senate Bill 464, which intended to modify the licensing requirements for telemedicine and surgery or podiatry, was rejected by members of the body following lengthy discussion.  

House Bills 2740, which would bar a parent from inheriting from a child in certain instances, and 2746which would remove the residency requirements for hiring deputy assessors, were laid over on third reading.  

Following third reading, two House Bills2690 and 2827, were brought before the body on second reading and received no amendments.  

Prior to the body’s lengthy calendar, members unanimously voted to adopt two resolutions. Senate Resolution 62, which memorialized the life of honorable R. Michael Shaw, Sr., former member of WV Senate. Senate President, Sen. Mitch Carmichael, R-Jackson, asked his fellow Senators to rise during discussion of the former Senator’s life and achievements.  

Senate Resolution 63 recognized the Girl Scouts of Black Diamond Council.  

The Senate is currently adjourned until 11 a.m. Feb. 28.  

The following committees will meet today:  

  • The Senate Judiciary Committee will meet at 4 p.m. in 208W. 

The following committees will meet tomorrow: 

  • The Senate Committee for Health and Human Resources will meet at 1 p.m. in 451M.  
  • The Senate Education Committee will meet at 2 p.m. in 451M.  

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