Monday, March 31, 2025
Monday, March 31, 2025

Senate Completes Action on Education Reform Bill

After lengthy debate, the Senate completed legislative action on House Bill 206 Monday evening on an 18-16 vote.

Like previous versions of education reform bills from this Legislature, the bill includes a variety of changes to the education system including pay raises, charter schools, increased support personnel for schools, open enrollment, incentives to fill in-demand positions and financial support for small or struggling counties.

This completed version of the legislation allows the initial establishment of up to three charter schools until 2023. After that, every three years there could potentially be three more. The State School Board would report to the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability (LOCEA) by Nov. 1, 2022 and every three years thereafter, on the status of the state’s charter schools. LOCEA would report its findings and recommendations, if any, to the Legislature during its next regular session.

The bill now heads to the Governor’s desk to await his signature to become law.

Following the passage of the education bill, the Senate passed 3 supplemental appropriation bills (Senate Bills 1056-1058) that fund the education bill.

The Senate has adjourned subject to the call of the President




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