Sunday, February 23, 2025
Sunday, February 23, 2025

In the House

As of 4 p.m. Feb. 18, 2004, the 36th day of the Regular Legislative Session, 1,154 bills have been introduced in the House of Delegates. Of these, the following 21 bills have passed in the House since Feb.11 and were sent to the Senate for its consideration.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 2200 would make the destruction of property a felony offense. Under this bill, the penalty for taking, defacing or destroying property would be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of no more than $500 or jail time of no more than one year. Taking, defacing or destroying property worth more than $2,500 or more would be a felony, with a fine of no more than $2,500 or jail time of one to 10 years. Taking, defacing or destroying property that designates boundaries would be a misdemeanor with a fine of $20 to $200 or one to six months in jail.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 2914 relates to the rehabilitation and liquidation of insurers under the jurisdiction of the West Virginia Insurance Commissioner. This bill would modify current state law relative to liquidation proceedings to create conformity with a recent federal case law.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4001 would ensure safer schools and empower teachers by automating student suspension and expulsion data. The bill also includes provisions that would refocus school and county improvement plans, revise school performance measures, and specify a salary cap of $107, 250 for the director of the Office of Education Performance Audits. Under this bill, the State Board of Education would establish early detection and intervention programs to assist underachieving schools and school systems.

House Bill 4134 would replace the Secretary of the Department of Commerce, Labor and Environmental Services with the Governor’s Chief Technology Officer as a member of the Employee Suggestion Award Board. The bill also would increase membership in the program by one senator and one delegate.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4143 would create a West Virginia Center for Nursing to establish a statewide strategic plan addressing the nursing shortage in the state. Starting July 1, 2004, the West Virginia Nursing Shortage Study Commission would be dissolved and its powers and responsibilities would be transferred to the West Virginia Center for Nursing. The center would facilitate the recruitment and retention of nurses.

House Bill 4160 would require anyone working in a health care-related field to report to Adult Protective Services any suspected abuse or neglect of an incapacitated adult or faculty resident. The bill also would require Protective Services to interview the victim within 72 hours of receiving the report.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4250 would prohibit anonymous complaints against court appointed psychologists or psychiatrists relating to a child custody evaluation. If the complaint relates to a child custody proceeding, the claimant would be responsible for all related fees if the psychologist or psychiatrist is not held liable. If the licensed psychologist or psychiatrist is found liable, then the psychologist or psychiatrist is responsible for fees for the claimant.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4266 would require some regulatory agencies to study ways to expedite the issuance of licenses, permits and certifications. Agencies which would be included are the Division of Labor, the Office of Miners Health, Safety and Training, the Division of Forestry, the Office of Health Facilities Licensure and Certification within the Department of Health and Human Resources, and the Department of Environmental Protection, except for the Oil and Gas Inspectors Examining Board.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4273 would transfer the authority to appoint guardians of minors from the County Commission to the Family Court.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4282 would authorize crossbow hunting for disabled persons. The bill also would include provisions prohibiting shooting at any wild animal unless it is plainly visible; and, the use of using artificial light to hunt, locate, attract, or trap these animals. Also, the bill would prohibit any person from having a bow and a gun together when hunting in the fields or woods of West Virginia.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4338 would provide for the issuance of special registration plates promoting education and allow the use of the special fee for the registration plates to fund transportation for school trips.

Committee Substitute for House Bill 4373 would make it a crime to alter a traffic-control device with an infrared or electronic device. Using these devices would be a misdemeanor offense punishable by a fine of no more than $500 and/or jail time of up to six days.

House Bill 4451 relates to the West Virginia Capital Company Act, and would clarify that the Economic Development Authority and Tax Commissioner would be authorized to require certain examination and compliance actions. This bill would require each capital company to be audited annually.

House Bill 4478 would lengthen the time period that county boards are required to publish a year-end financial statement from 60 days to 90 days. The reports would include the receipts and expenditures during the previous fiscal year; the name of each firm, corporation, and person who received more than $250 during that year; and, all debts and information regarding the debts.

Sunset legislation:

House Bill 4418 would continue the Board of Architects until July 1, 2014. House Bill 4419 would continue the Board of Landscape Architects until July 1, 2009.

House Bill 4479 would continue the Department of Health and Human Resources until July 1, 2005. House Bill 4480 would continue West Virginia’s participation in the Interstate Commission on the Potomac River Basin until July 1, 2010.

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