Thursday, March 6, 2025
Thursday, March 6, 2025

In the House

As of 4 p.m., Wednesday, February 27, 2008, the 50th day of the 2008 Regular Session, 1,345 bills have been introduced in the House. Of those, 174 have passed the House and sent to the Senate for consideration. These include:

House Bill 2739 would require county clerks to provide three free certified copies of a veteran’s death certificate to family members or dependants.

House Bill 4023 would deny or revoke driving privileges for teenage drivers who misbehave or are not meeting satisfactory attendance standards in high school. Students would have to make satisfactory progress toward graduation, not have more than 10 consecutive or 15 total unexcused absences for the current semester and the past semester and not have more than 10 days of suspension during the current semester and the past semester to be eligible for a driver’s license.

House Bill 4047 would prohibit the use of a cell phone, text-messaging or other wireless electronic communication devices while operating a motor vehicle. Exceptions include when the vehicle is parked or stopped on the berm of the road, in case of an emergency, when using a hands-free device, or when the person is a law enforcement officer or an emergency services personnel operating an emergency vehicle. Those in violation would be fined $25 and this could only be enforced as a secondary offense.

House Bill 4134 would prohibit the sale of cigarettes in packages with fewer than 20 in anything besides the original factory-wrapped packaging. The bill also would require posting federally mandated warnings on all cigarettes sold. A person or business found in violation would be charged with a misdemeanor penalty and fined $250.

House Bill 4132 would prohibit employers from mandating captive meetings or sending communications to employees regarding political issues not related to the employee’s job duties. If an employer disciplines or penalizes employees who refuse to participate in a mandated meeting, the employee can file a lawsuit.

House Bill 4364 would make various changes regarding motor vehicle dealers. The Department of Motor Vehicles would be able to enter into agreements with other states to permit out-of-state dealers to issue and transfer vehicle registrations for West Virginia purchasers. This bill would also increase the bond required of applicants for dealer licenses from $10,000 to $25,000 and require licensees seeking renewal to have sold at least 18 vehicles during the preceding year.

House Bill 4368 would allow a school principal to transfer a student who has been excluded from a classroom, school or school bus for a second time during a single semester for disruptive behavior to an alternative learning center. The bill would also establish a Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Students and School Personnel.

House Bill 4406 would require the State Board of Education to include the duration of one-way school bus transportation in their transportation standards. Under the bill, elementary school children would have a recommended one-way transportation time of less than 30 minutes. Middle school students would be recommended to travel no more than 45 minutes and high school students would be recommended to travel one-way for less than an hour beginning July 1, 2008. The bill would also prohibit, in certain circumstances, the creation of a new bus route for students in grades Pre-K through 5 that exceeds the elementary school wait-time limit by more than 15 minutes unless the State Board of Education receives permission.

House Bill 4418 would require the West Virginia Health Care Authority to establish an Infection Control Advisory Panel. This panel would implement a system for state hospitals to report health care associated infections based upon Center of Disease Control guidelines.

House Bill 4472 would prohibit a county board of education from declaring a position vacant and posting a job opening sooner than 10 days following the death of an individual who was employed in that position.

House Bill 4476 would permit the state to enter into agreements with private entities to construct and improve transportation facilities.

House Bill 4477 would require the State Board of Education to develop and administer a program to fund the exam fee for individuals seeking their GED. The State Board of Education would be required to include the program’s eligibility requirements.

House Bill 4496 would permit some members of the Teachers’ Defined Contribution System (TDC) to transfer their assets to the State Teachers Retirement System (TRS). Only those who were actively contributing to the TDC by December 31, 2007, would be able to vote in the election to transfer. At least 70 percent of those who actively contribute must vote yes during the May 2008 election to enable the transfer. If approved, individuals will receive 75 percent of the service credit they earned in the TDC.

House Bill 4527 would allow county commissions to regulate subdivisions and land development by creating a planning commission instead of a comprehensive plan.

House Bill 4624 would provide a per diem pay of $50, plus mileage and expenses, for individuals who drive veterans to hospitals that are more than 30 miles from their home or local Veteran’s Affairs office.

House Bill 4628 would allow qualified employers who create new full-time, permanent jobs that pay at least $32,000 per year and provide benefits to claim the Economic Opportunity Tax Credit.

House Bill 4637 would create the Broadband Deployment Council under the West Virginia Infrastructure and Jobs Development Council that would develop a strategy and mechanism to extend broadband internet service to every West Virginian. The council would be authorized to provide consulting services to broadband deployment projects, apply for grant funding, and perform other necessary activities.

House Bill 4670 would permit the Public Employees Insurance Agency to charge employers 2.5 percent interest per year on premiums not paid on time.

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