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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

In the House

As of 4 p.m., Wednesday, February 17, 2010, the 36th day of the 79th Legislature’s 2nd Regular Session, 1,2 34 bills have been introduced in the House. Of those, 56 passed and have been sent to the Senate for its consideration. The bills passed include:

House Bill 4034 would give municipalities the authorization to implement programs for the purpose of registering vacant properties. The bill would also give municipalities the authority to include a registration fee as part of such programs.

House Bill 4143 would strengthen the authority of the Office of Emergency Medical Services. The bill would require applicants for certification to allow the West Virginia State Police access to personal background information.

House Bill 4157 would remove outdated sunset language from existing code.

House Bill 4176 would establish a statewide credentialing verification organization in relation to credentialing for healthcare practitioners.

House Bill 4179 would remove the language providing a termination date for the Equal Pay Commission. The current expiration date is July 1, 2010.

House Bill 4198 relates to the Oil and Gas Inspectors’ Examining Board. The bill would extend the expired term of a member until the member’s successor is appointed.

House Bill 4210 would require the Public Employees Insurance Agency Finance Board to have a five member quorum present at all public hearings.

House Bill 4220 would require that the Board of Medicine accept certifications from both the American Registry of Radiologic Technicians and the Certification Board for Radiology Practitioner Assistants for qualifications as a radiologist assistant.

House Bill 4248 would establish the definition for “audit” in relation to charitable funds as “the systematic examination of records and documents and the securing of other evidence by confirmation, physical inspection, or otherwise, that includes a written assurance that financial statements and reports are fairly presented in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.”

House Bill 4281 would replace the terms “mentally retarded” and “mental retardation” in state law with the terms “intellectually disabled” “individual with intellectual disability” and “intellectual disability.”

House Bill 4355 would add probation officers and parole officers to existing law relating to disarming law enforcement officers. The bill would make disarming or attempting to disarm a probation or parole officer a felony offense.

A Sampling of Bills Introduced In the House

House Bill 4458 would authorize county commissions, municipalities, and boards of education that receive lottery revenues to issue bonds to construct public projects. Lottery revenues would secure the bonds. These public projects could include new buildings, demolishing old buildings, environmental remediation, and other projects.

House Bill 4472 would prohibit the use of a handheld communication device to engage in text messaging or other technology while operating a motor vehicle. The offense would be considered a misdemeanor and would be punishable by a $250 fine.

House Bill 4478 would require a child be placed with a relative, where possible, when removed from the home of a parent. The bill would establish an adult family member as first placement preference, followed by a family friend who meets foster care licensing requirements.

House Bill 4482 would require applicants and recipients of temporary assistance for needy families cash benefits participate in a random drug testing program. An applicant or recipient would have 60 days to pass a drug test before being deemed ineligible to receive benefits. The bill would also require legislators to be required to participate in a drug testing program.

House Bill 4498 would prohibit smoking throughout the entirety of the State Capitol. The bill would include all offices and hallways.

House Bill 4510 would require the Department of Environmental Protection make a final decision in regard to coal mining permit applications within six months of all required information to complete the application process and come to a decision.

House Bill 4514 would eliminate the sales tax on food items by July 1, 2012.

House Bill 4520 would prohibit healthcare providers from discriminating against patients based upon the manner in which the patient became sick or was injured. The bill would also prohibit healthcare providers from refusing to treat patients for the same reason.

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