Saturday, February 22, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025

House Adjourns Sine Die, Delegates Say Goodbye

When the House returned from recess, Senate messages were received. The rest of the night was concurring to complete, refusing to concur, or concurring with an amendment on bills amended by the Senate. Below are a few of the messages received.

The House refused to concur on House Bill 4025 and House Bill 2300.

The House concurred with an amendment on House Bill 4001, House Bill 4787, House Bill 4688, and House Bill 4111.

The House concurred to complete House Bill 4020, House Bill 4847, Senate Bill 463, and House Bill 4377.

House Bill 4020 reorganizes the DHHR into two separate departments, the Department of Health, and the Department of Human Resources. The bill set the organizational structure of each department.

House Bill 4847 allows the State Police to take over a missing person case when it is suspected that the person crossed county lines.

Senate Bill 463 presumes that the best interest of a child is to spend as much time as possible with both parents. It states child custody cases shall start at 50-50 split custody. If the presumption is rebutted, a court shall set a custody schedule.

House Bill 4377 updates the involuntary custody process.

The House has adjourned sine die.


After adjourning, some of the members not returning said their goodbyes. The delegates not returning, who spoke, are Delegate Brent Boggs (Braxton-34), Delegate John Doyle (Jefferson-67), Delegate Dave Pethtel (Wetzel-5), who has served for 30 years, Delegate John Kelley (Wood-10), Delegate Barbara Evans Fleischauer (Monongalia-51), Delegate Tony Paynter (Wyoming-25), Delegate John Mandt (Cabell-16), Delegate Joe Jefferies (Putnam-22), Delegate Zack Maynard (Lincoln-22), Delegate Terri Funk Sypolt (Preston-52), Delegate Kayla Kessinger (Fayette-32), Delegate Ben Queen (Harrison-48), and Delegate Jason Barret (Berkeley-61).

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