Saturday, July 27, 2024
Saturday, July 27, 2024

House Amends its Version of Budget into Senate Bill

Today, Delegates in the House amended and passed Senate Bill 200 – Budget Bill. The amended-bill heads to the Senate and a compromise must be reached by Saturday. It’s the Senate’s job to amend Senate Bill 200 with the compromise.

The Projected Budget in the House version of the bill is:
• General Revenue total is $4,996,828,751.
• State Road Fund total is $1,998,642,908.
• Other Funds total is $ 2,141,776,021
• Lottery Revenue total is $149,104,142.
• Excess Lottery Revenue total is $337,436,083.
• Federal Funds total is $8,776,500,819.
• Federal Block Grant total is $688,383,417.
• General Revenue Surplus total is $201,600,000.
• Lottery Net profits Surplus total is 16,750,000.
• Excess lottery Surplus total is 17,800,000.

Below is a breakdown of the General Revenue.

1. Senate – $6,152,206
2. House – $11,985,000
3. Joint $11,240,457

4. Supreme Court – $165,783,509

5. Gov Office – $6,626,040
6. Custodial Fund – $615,427
7. Civil Contingent Fund – $8,500,000
8. Auditor’s Office – $2,724,523
9. Treasurer’s Office – $3,718,259
10. Department of Agriculture – $14,062,323
11. WV Conservation Agency – $11,636,697
12. Meat inspection – $1,169,540
13. Agriculture awards fund- $54,250
14. WV Agriculture Land Protection Authority – $109,693
15. Attorney General – $5,894,240
16. Secretary of State – $983,138
17. State Election Commission – $7,508

Department of Administration
18. Office of the Secretary – $15,630,631
19. Consolidated Retirement Fund
20. Division of Finance – $810,767
21. Division of General Services – $26,394,135
22. Division of Purchasing – $1,146,662
23. Travel Management – $1,325,210
24. Commission on Uniform State Laws – $45,550
25. WV Public Employe Grievance Board – $1,212,486
26. Ethics Commission – $773,228
27. Public Defenders Service- $38,195,744
28. Division of Personnel – $1,800,000
29. Committee for the Purchase of Commodities and Services from the Handicapped -$4,055
30. West Virginia Prosecuting Attorneys Institute – $688,044
31. Real Estate Division – $901,271

Department of Commerce
32. Division of Forestry – $6,105,480
33. Geological and Economic Survey $3,328,376
34. Division of Labor – $2,017,411
35. Division of Natural Resources – Division of Natural Resources – $31,316,979
36. Division of Miners’ Health, Safety and Training – $12,342,060
37. Board of Coal Mine Health and Safety – $370,549
38. WorkForce West Virginia- $58,473
39. Office of the Secretary – $1,977,755
40. State Board of Rehabilitation – Division of Rehabilitation Services – $16,222,463
41. Department of Tourism – Office of the Secretary- $ 30,300,000
42. Department of Economic Development –Office of the Secretary – $12,917,867
43. State Board of Education – School Lunch Program – $2,497,519
44. State Board of Education –State Department of Education$129,738,021
45. State Board of Education –Aid for Exceptional Children – $35,113,216
46. State Board of Education –State Aid to Schools – $2,034,518,480
47. State Board of Education –Vocational Division – $41,784,139
48. State Board of Education –West Virginia Schools for the Deaf and the Blind- $15,730,195
49. State Board of Education –School Building Authority – $24,000,000

Department of Arts, Culture, And History
35. Division of Culture and History – $ 5,788,181
36. Library Commission – $ 1,644,157
37. Educational Broadcasting Authority – $ 4,323,875
38. Department of Environmental Protection
39. Environmental Quality Board – $ 131,874
40. Division of Environmental Protection – $ 7,622,445
41. Air Quality Board – $ 76,053

Department of Health
42. Department of Health –Central Office – $ 89,853,781
43. Human Rights Commission = $ 1,568,052
Department of Human Services
44. Division of Human Services – $ 841,338,416

Department of Health Facilities
45. Central Office – $3,655,695
46. Health Facilities Capital Projects Fund – $550,000
47. Hopemont Hospital – $12,827,637
48. Lakin Hospital – $14,451,392
49. John Manchin Senior Health Care Center – $8,703,666
50. Jackie Withrow Hospital – $12,337,165
51. Welch Community Hospital – $31,057,039
52. William R. Sharpe Jr. Hospital – $79,407,370
53. Mildred Mitchell-Bateman Hospital – $53,506,391
54. William R. Sharpe Jr. Hospital -Transitional Living Facility – $1,847,929

Department of Homeland Security
55. Office of the Secretary – $4,293,160
56. Division of Emergency Management – $6,691,854
57. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation –West Virginia Parole Board – $1,454,002
58. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation –Central Office – $385,147
59. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation – Correctional Units – $317,211,561
60. Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation – Bureau of Juvenile Services – $51,207,884
61. West Virginia State Police – $126,893,784
62. Fire Commission – $63,061
63. Division of Protective Services – $4,023,574
64. Division of Administrative Services – Criminal Justice Fund – $10,656,295
65. Division of Administrative Services – $6,280,223

Department of Revenue
66. Office of the Secretary – $648,506
67. Tax Division – $ 31,518,796
68. State Budget Office – $1,183,885
69. West Virginia Office of Tax Appeals – $1,214,578
70. State Athletic Commission – $36,811

Department of Transportation
71. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities –State Rail Authority – $2,145,040
72. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities – Public Transit – $2,292,989
73. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities –$ 1471,263
74. Division of Multimodal Transportation Facilities –Aeronautics Commission – $1,031,626

Department of Veterans’ Assistance
75. Department of Veterans’ Assistance – $ 12,640,193
76. Department of Veterans’ Assistance – Veterans’ Home – $ 1,785,768

Bureau of Senior Services
77. Bureau of Senior Services – $6,580,366

West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education
78. Control Account – $15,839,076
79. Mountwest Community and Technical College – $7,165,674
80. New River Community and Technical College – $6,624,770
81. Pierpont Community and Technical College – $8,699,120
82. Blue Ridge Community and Technical College – $8,821,525
83. West Virginia University at Parkersburg – $11,632,093
84. Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College – $9,185,300
85. West Virginia Northern Community and Technical College – $8,145,573
86. Eastern West Virginia Community and Technical College – $2,447,264
87. BridgeValley Community and Technical College – $8,970,648

Higher Education Policy Commission
88. Control Account – $79,448,524
89. West Virginia University –School of Medicine – Medical School Fund – $22,433,558
90. West Virginia University – General Administrative Fund – $119,508,643
91. Marshall University – School of Medicine – $9,787,407
92. Marshall University – General Administration Fund – $56,923,978
93. West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine – $6,332,105
94. Bluefield State University – $7,184,100
95. Concord University – $11,600,864
96. Fairmont State University – $20,805,888
97. Glenville State University – $7,470,766
98. Shepherd University – $13,935,597
99. West Liberty University $10,530,209
100. West Virginia State University – $17,944,676
101. Administration – West Virginia Network for Educational Telecomputing (WVNET) – $1,946,515

Miscellaneous Boards and Commissions
103. Adjutant General –State Militia – $ 18,646,916
104. Adjutant General – Military Fund – $ 157,775

Due to the potential Federal “clawback” of federal CARES/COVID money, a slimmed-down version of the budget is being passed as “Act One.” Once the Governor’s Office completed the negotiations with the federal government, the expectation is that “Act Two” would be a special session taking place in the Spring for a large supplemental appropriation to be used to amend the budget bill.

The Senate version of the budget does differ from the House-amended version of Senate Bill 200. Compromises will have to be made to pass the bill before this Saturday’s session adjournment.

The House is in recess until 5 p.m.

The House Returned at 6:30 p.m. to finish the agenda. The House also received committee reports and messages from the Senate and Governor.

Committee Meetings today, March 5
The Judiciary Committee will meet at 3: 25 p.m. in Room 410.
The Committee on Government Organization will meet at 3:45 p.m. in Room 215E.
The Committee on Energy and Manufacturing will meet at 3:30 p.m. in Room 460.
The Finance Committee will meet 15 minutes after Energy in Room 460.
The Committee on Technology and Infrastructure will meet at 3:30 p.m. in Room 434.
The Committee on Economic Development and Tourism will meet at 15 minutes after Tech and Infrastructure in Room 434.

Committee Meetings today, March 5
The Judiciary Committee will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 410.
The Committee on Government Organization will meet at 7 p.m. in Room 215E.

Committee Meetings tomorrow, March 6
The Committee on Artificial Intelligence will meet at 9 a.m. in Room 434.
The Judiciary Committee will meet at 9:15 a.m. in Room 410.
The Rules Committee will meet at 10:45 a.m. behind the House Chamber
The Education Committee will meet at 1 p.m. in Room 434.

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