Tuesday, January 14, 2025
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Interim Report: LOCEA

The Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability met today.

The Committee received a report from the Center for Nursing. In 2023, 23 percent of the 828 medical students enrolled in their first-year classes at the state’s three medical schools are from West Virginia. The graduation rate for all schools is 45 percent or higher and the licensure passage rate is 95 percent. There has been an increase in retaining medical professionals after training is complete. The location of residency determines practice areas. If a student does their residency in WV, they are more likely to stay in West Virginia.

In pharmacy education, 44 percent of students enrolled in their first-year classes are WV students. In dentistry, 50 percent of the students enrolled in their first-year classes are WV students.

There are several programs to help students with education funding. The Health Sciences Service Program is a state-funded program that provides financial awards for health professions students who agree to practice in underserved areas of the state. The WV Nursing Scholarship Program is a state-funded program that provides nursing scholarships to LPN, RN, and graduate nursing students in exchange for completing service obligations in WV. The Medical Student Loan Program is a need-based program for students at WV medical schools. Choose WV Practice Program provides a tuition waiver for non-resident WV medical students who agree to practice in underserved areas of the state after completing education and training. The Mental Health Loan Repayment Program is awarded to practicing health professionals who agree to complete service obligations in underserved areas.

The committee also heard a report from the State Superintendent and the finances of the school districts.

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