As of 4 p.m. Friday, January 26, 2018, the 10th day of the regular session of the 83rd legislature 406 bills have been introduced to the Senate. Of those bills, 52 have passed and have been sent on to the House for further consideration.
Senate Bill 7 states that before filing a claim under the WV Wage Payment and Collection Act, an employee must provide a written notice to their employer, for any claims for accrued fringe benefits.
Senate Bill 10 would allow more local review and control over the setting rates, fees and charges for, municipal electrical power systems. It also clarifies the Public Service Commission’s.
Senate Bill 46 would permit pharmacists to inform customers of lower-cost alternative drugs.
Senate Bill 51 would remove the reference to child support from the section of the code relating to the award of spousal support and separate maintenance. It allows the court to use the specified factors used to determine the amount of the spousal support or separate maintenance to also determine their duration.
Senate Bill 71 would define the term “veteran” to also include active members of the Guard and Reserve components of the Armed Forces of the United States.
Senate Bill 163 is a rules bundle relating to the Department of Environmental Protection.
Senate Bill 165 is a rules bundle relating to the Department of Health and Human Resources.
Senate Bill 184 is a rules bundle relating to the Department of Highways.
Senate Bill 237 is a rules bundle relating to the Tax Department.
Senate Bill 242 the bill requires insurance providers in WV to provide coverage for long-term antibiotic coverage for Lyme Disease.
Senate Bill 258 would exempt honorably discharged veterans from fees for license to carry deadly weapons.
Senate Bill 267 would increase the salaries of certain state employees.
Senate Bill 268 would eliminate the requirement certain agencies purchase commodities produced on institutional farms.
Senate Bill 280 allows airports’ emergency management and operations vehicles to use red flashing warning lights.
Senate Bill 284 increasing access to career education and workforce training. The bill authorizes Advanced Career Education (ACE) programs for students in secondary schools. ACE programs connect students with community and technical colleges to offer college credit while still in middle and high school. It creates the WV Invests Grant Program which is a scholarship for WV residents who are 18 years or older with a high school diploma or the equivalent of, to attend WV community or technical colleges. The grant also requires students to stay and work in WV for two years after completing their degree.
Senate Bill 285 creates legislation to allow two or more counties to create a regional recreation authority for off-highway vehicle trail riding.
Senate Bill 324 would remove restrictions where certain traditional lottery games may be played.
Senate Bill 327 will include in the extortions statute threats to obtain sexual conduct or the release of intimate body images.
Senate Bill 338 changes the date that employers file annual reconciliation and withholding statements to January 31.
Senate Bill 345 would authorize the DNR establish procedures and fee schedule for limited permit hunts.
Senate Bill 350 would eliminate requirements that the Lottery Commission file racetrack video lottery game rules with Secretary of State.
Senate Bill 357 would allow operators to be licensed as retailers in up to 10 locations, increase the maximum bet permitted for limited video lottery terminals and remove restrictions on bill denominations accepted by limited video lottery terminals.
Senate Bill 336 will allow a someone while applying for or renewing a driver’s license to choose to add an additional fee of $3 which will be directed to the Department of Veterans Assistance.
Senate Bill 384 reappropriates funds from the Department of Health and Human Resources’ Child Care Development and Medical Services and the Bureau of Senior Services to the DHHR’s Institutional Facilities Operations and Social Services.
Senate Bill 385 reappropriates excess funds from the Department of Health and Human Resources’ 2018 Fiscal Year budget and transfer them to the Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety.
Senate Bill 386 reappropriates excess funds from Marshall University’s School of Medicine and transfer it to Marshall University’s general funds.
Senate Bill 388 reappropriates excess funds from the Department of Health and Human Resources’ 2018 Fiscal Year budget and transfers them to the Department of Administration.
Additional Senate Bills
Senate Bill 94 would prohibit counties from regulating fireworks.
Senate Bill 108 would create the Volunteer Firefighter Appreciation Act of 2018.
Senate Bill 102 would create Creating WV Uniform Fiduciary Access to Digital Assets Act.
Senate Bill 141 would expand county assessment and collection of head tax on breeding cows.
Senate Bill 181 is a rules bundle relating to MAPS.
Senate Bill 230 is a rules bundle relating to the Department of Commerce.
Senate Bill 266 would update the meaning of certain terms used in WV Personal Income Tax Act
Senate Bill 360 would clarify the royalty owed in an oil and gas lease.
Senate Bill 361 would relate to the treatment supervision under Drug Offender Accountability and Treatment Act.
Senate Bill 371 would relate to the proceedings for voluntary custody for examination.
Senate Bill 425 would remove sunset dates which members of policemen’s or firemen’s pension fund elect to participate in deferred retirement option plan.
Senate Bill 429 would relate to forest fires.
Senate Bill 462 would establish a contribution holiday for public pension plans funded at 130 percent or more.
Senate Bill 463 would establish a group to examine the benefits and need of transferring milk rules and regulations from DHHR to Agriculture
Senate Bill 475 would relate to the Industrial Hemp Development Act.