Thursday, March 27, 2025
Thursday, March 27, 2025

Senate Legislation (2/25/21-3/4/21)

As of Friday, March 5, 2021, 560 bills have been introduced to the Senate. Of those bills, 57 have passed and advanced to the House.

Senate Bill 5 encourages the efficient settlement of legal claims arising out of the West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act.

Senate Bill 16 provides continued eligibility for developmental disability services to dependents of military members.

Senate Bill 53 provides that a person criminally responsible for another’s death may not be involved in burial arrangements.

Senate Bill 80 allows the administration of small estates (under $50,000 in personal property and under $100,000 real property) by affidavit and without appointment of a personal representative.

Senate Bill 102 gives disabled veterans who earned the Purple Heart free parking at any metered spaces within a municipality in West Virginia.

Senate Bill 160 authorizes the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission to make legislative rules relating to private club licensing.

Senate Bill 248 requires the DHHR to collaborate with the Workforce Development Board and the West Virginia Division of Personnel for purposes of job placement.

Senate Bill 263 enables charitable organizations to conduct online raffles to raise funds for their causes.

Senate Bill 308 modifies requirements that racetrack participate in WV Thoroughbred Development Fund by certain date.

Senate Bill 311 relates to acquisition and disposition of property by urban development authority.

Senate Bill 321 updates language regarding Fairmont State alumni license plates.

Senate Bill 332 provides a procedure for West Virginia to select delegates to an Article V Convention for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

Senate Bill 338 creates Fire Service Equipment and Training Fund.

Senate Bill 345 expands the alcohol test and lock program to include offenders with drug-related offenses.

Senate Bill 356 allows the written part of the driver’s license examination to be given in school driver education courses.

Senate Bill 358 allows for ATMs to be located in areas where racetrack video lottery machines are located.

Senate Bill 359 informs landowners when fencing that may contain livestock is damaged due to accident.

Senate Bill 374 increases the threshold bid requirement for the Division of Corrections and Rehabilitation to $10,000 to be consistent with other state agencies.

Senate Bill 377 extends the deadline by which a water utility company and public service district must provide boiled water advisories through a text or voice alert mass notification system.

Senate Bill 387 extends the sunset provision of the pilot program that drug screens applicants for cash assistance until December 31, 2022. It would also give The Secretary of DHHR discretion as to how long it lasts after that date.

Senate Bill 389 clarifies that the State Resiliency Board is responsible to plan for emergency and disaster response, recovery and resiliency.

Senate Bill 392 adds the potential penalty of incarceration to any conviction for the impersonation of a law-enforcement officer.

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