Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Completed Legislation (03/19/21-03/25/21)

Senate Bill 9 continues the Licensed Racetrack Modernization Fund.

Senate Bill 10 changes the due date of the racetrack table game renewal license fee from July 1 to October 1.

House Bill 2804, a supplemental appropriation bill, moving expired funds from the BRIM- Mine Subsidence Insurance Fund and the Veterans’ Facilities Support Fund to the General Revenue Fund for fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2803, a supplemental appropriation bill, increasing funds for the Department of Commerce- Division of Forestry for fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2802, a supplemental appropriation bill, increasing funds for the Department of Homeland Security for fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2788, a supplemental appropriation bill to move expired funds from the State Excess Lottery Fund to the State General Revenue Fund for fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2789, a supplemental appropriation bill, increases funds to the Public Defender Services Fund for fiscal year 2021.

Senate Bill 89 exempts certain private kindergarten and preschool programs from registration requirements.

Senate Bill 42 creates the Zombie Property Remediation Act of 2021.

House Bill 2701 authorizes the Division of Rehabilitation Services to approve training programs acceptable for training low vision individuals to obtain Class G driver’s license.

House Bill 2709 Provides that aggregate liability of a surety on a consumer protection bond under the West Virginia Fintech Regulatory Sandbox Program does not exceed the principal sum of the bond.

House Bill 2764 allows the Division of Financial Institutions to enter into reciprocity agreements with other jurisdictions that operate similar programs to the West Virginia Fintech Sandbox Program.

Senate Bill 182 authorizes the Commission of Agriculture to create rules relating to animal disease control.

Senate Bill 469 permits and establishes requirements for appearance by video for purpose of notarial acts.

Senate Bill 160 authorizes the Alcohol Beverage Control Commission to create rules relating to private club licensing.

Senate Bill 156 authorizes the Fire Commission to create rules relating to standards for certification and continuing education of municipal, county and other public sector building code officials, building code inspectors and plans examiners.

Senate Bill 305 provides exemptions from consumers sales and service tax for certain aircraft maintenance.

House Bill 2621 mandates certification for certain members of fire departments, requires training, and allows specialized personnel who are not firefighters to be members of a department.

Senate Bill 517 eliminates the requirement for all new legislative rules to have a five-year sunset date after the initial five-year sunset date. It allows the Secretary of State to conform all active legislative rules with sunset provisions to the requirements of this code.

House Bill 2854 adds a definition for “beneficiary” to the Municipal Police Officer and Firefighter Retirement System.

House Bill 2797 declares certain claims against the state to be moral obligations of the state and to authorize payments from general revenue funds, special revenue funds, and state road fund.

House Bill 2621 mandates certification for certain members of fire departments and requires certain types of training. It allows specialized personnel who are not firefighters to be members of a department.

House Bill 2905 repeals the use of “Doctor” or “Dr.” penalty on campaign advertising.

House Bill 2855 adds a definition for “beneficiary” to the Natural Police Officers Retirement System.

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