Sunday, March 30, 2025
Sunday, March 30, 2025

Completed Legislation (03/26/21-04/01/21)

House Bill 2382 authorizes the DEP to create rules for ambient air quality standards.

House Bill 2896, a supplemental appropriation bill, increasing the designates federal funds spending unit for DHHR Medicaid during fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2940, a supplemental appropriation bill, increasing the designates federal funds spending unit for the State Board of Education during fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2901, a supplemental appropriation bill, increasing the designates federal funds spending unit for the DHHR CHIP during fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2903, a supplemental appropriation bill, increasing the designates federal funds spending unit for the West Virginia State Police during fiscal year 2021.

Senate Bill 431 allows schools to provide notification of attendance records to DMV electronically so that students do not have to provide documentation for their permit and drivers’ license.

Senate Bill 435 requires county superintendents to at least authorize one school principal or administrator at each nonpublic school in the district to issue a work permit for students enrolled at the school.

Senate Bill 356 allows for the written part of the drivers’ exam to be administered by high school driver education instructors. House Bill 2920

House Bill 2897, a supplemental appropriation bill, expires funds to certain accounts within the Department of Commerce.

Senate Bill 305 provides exemptions for certain aircraft maintenances from consumer sales and service tax.

House Bill 2899, a supplemental appropriation bill, adds funds to the Department of Commerce.

House Bill 2905 removes the penalty on using “Doctor” or “Dr.” on campaign signs.

House Bill 2855 clarifies definitions relating to the Natural Resources Police Officer Retirement System.

House Bill 2854 clarifies definition relating to the WV Municipal Police Officer and Firefighter Retirement System.

House Bill 2797 declares certain claims against the state to be moral obligations and authorizes the payments from the General Revenue Fund, Special Revenue Funds, and State Road Fund.

House Bill 3010 extends the special valuation method for cellular towers to towers owned by person not subject to regulation to the Board of Public Works.

Senate Bill 67 gives the Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council authority to review rules proposed by the Commissioner of the Bureau for Public Health.

Senate Bill 390 moves the Health Care Authority under DHHR and clarifies the responsibilities for all-player claims database.

House Bill 2808 removes salt from the list of “mineral” for severance tax purposes.

House Bill 2495 clarifies procedures for the handling of asbestos and silica litigation.

House Bill 2014 specifies the Legislature’s role in appropriating federal funds.

House Bill 2263 updates the regulation of pharmacy benefit managers.

House Bill 2290 provides for maximized employment for disabled persons and creates a stat “Employment First,” which encourages agencies to facilitate the employment of disabled persons.

House Bill 2024 expands telemedicine to permit a licensed healthcare professional from another state to practice in WV when registered with the appropriate board.

House Bill 2026 modernizes the collection of income taxes by adopting uniform treatment of mobile employee income and by ending the “throw out” rule. The bill also changes the apportionment of sales of services and intangible personal property to market sourcing instead of origin sourcing, which would make West Virginia’s treatment like treatment by most jurisdictions. The bill eliminates the payroll and property factors and thus apportions income on a single sales factor only.

House Bill 2260 clarifies the department’s obligations to enter performance-based contracts with child-placing agencies.

House Bill 2094 expands the states juvenile restorative justice program.

House Bill 2400 authorizes the Division of Highways to promulgate a legislative rule relating to traffic and safety rules.

House Bill 2499 stimulates economic growth in manufacturing industries by amending the definition of manufacturing for purposes of special method for appraising qualified capital additions to manufacturing facilities for property tax purposes.

House Bill 2852 removes mandated distribution of 60 percent of allowance based on projected increased enrollment prior to September 1. It authorizes advance at district request prior to availability of actual increased enrollment of partial distribution of up to 60 percent of school districts estimated share and provides for return of refund of excess distribution.

House Bill 2898, a supplemental appropriation bill, increases the appropriations for the Workforce Investment Act for fiscal year 2021.

House Bill 2941, a supplemental appropriation bill, decreases the appropriation to the Insurance Commissioner for fiscal year 2021.

Senate Bill 275 creates the WV Intermediate Court of Appeals.

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