Thursday, March 27, 2025
Thursday, March 27, 2025

Senate Legislation (3/5/21-3/11/21)

As of Friday, March 12, 2021, 632 bills have been introduced to the Senate. Of those bills, 89 have passed and advanced to the House.

Senate Bill 39 prohibits insurance coverage from requiring prior authorization for tests to stage cancer.

Senate Bill 294 closes the Prepaid Tuition Trust Fund and creates a special revenue account to fund new savings and investment programs.

Senate Bill 305 provides exemptions for certain aircraft maintenances from consumer sales and service tax.

Senate Bill 314 regulates pawnbrokers.

Senate Bill 334 establishes license application process for needle exchange programs.

Senate Bill 339 expands agricultural operations that protect from nuisance and other legal actions.

Senate Bill 343 authorizes the DMV to process online driver’s license or identification card change of address.

Senate Bill 344 eliminates the sunset date for the qualified rehabilitated buildings investment credit and the maximum amounts allowable of the tax credit.

Senate Bill 368 authorizes the DEP to develop Reclamation of Abandoned and Dilapidated Properties Programs.

Senate Bill 375 limits the reasons for which an open enrollment application can be denied and sets a process for application denial.

Senate Bill 376 removes obsolete provisions regarding DOH standards for studded tires and chains.

Senate Bill 381 creates a nonresident three-day fishing license.

Senate Bill 383 exempts property used for school or daycare centers owned by worship centers from taxation.

Senate Bill 390 moves the Health Care Authority under DHHR and clarifies the responsibilities for all-player claims database.

Senate Bill 397 relates to the heath care provider tax.

Senate Bill 404 modifies well work permits issued by the DEP Office of Oil and Gas.

Senate Bill 421 authorizes Workforce West Virginia to hire at-will employees.

Senate Bill 429 exempts the Division of Emergency Management from Purchasing Division requirements for certain contracts.

Senate Bill 434 requires law-enforcement training to include standards and procedures for ongoing specialized, intensive, and integrative training during the investigation of sexual assault cases involving adult victims.

Senate Bill 435 requires county superintendents to at least authorize one school principal or administrator at each nonpublic school in the district to issue a work permit for students enrolled at the school.

Senate Bill 439 allows admission of evidence in a civil action of the use or nonuse of a safety belt on the issues of negligence, contributory negligence, comparative negligence, and failure to mitigate damages.

Senate Bill 456 makes changes to the Natural Resource Police Officer Retirement System.

Senate Bill 460 makes clarifications to the Deputy Sheriff Retirement System.

Senate Bill 463 combines the role of the Inspector General and the position of Director of Insurance Fraud Unit to one role.

Senate Bill 466 expands the definition of appraisal management companies for the propose of the Real Estate Appraiser Licensing and Certification Act and the Appraisal Management Companies Registration Act.

Senate Bill 467 makes clarifications to the WV Municipal Police Officer and Firefighter Retirement System.

Senate Bill 469 permits personal appearance by video technology.

Senate Bill 475 require that certain fees be deposited in the General Revenue Fund instead of the special revenue accounts to allow appropriation by the Legislature.

Senate Bill 501 relates to the indexing of license and stamp fees.

Senate Bill 517 eliminates the requirement that all new legislative rules have a five year sunset date after the initial dive year sunset date and allows the Secretary of State to conform all active legislative rules with a sunset provision and requires the SOS to file a notice of sunset in the State Register.

Senate Bill 537 relates to kidnapping.

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