Friday, July 26, 2024
Friday, July 26, 2024

House Workforce Development Advances Two Bills

The Committee on Workforce Development met this morning and advanced two bills.

House Bill 2005 establishes a dual enrollment pilot program to be administered by the HEPC and the CCTC in conjunction with the State BOE.

Some counties already have dual enrollment but not all. Some dual enrollment is limited to students who are already planning on going to college. This program would provide the opportunity to students who may want to go to college but not be certain about funding for postsecondary education. This program can be done virtually if enough students are not enrolled to do the course in person.

The bill was amended to ensure this program doesn’t only apply to public school students, but also homeschool, charter, micro-school, learning pod, and private school students.

House Bill 2515 provides single parents resources as they attempt to reenter the workforce, obtain a degree, or secure workforce training.

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