Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Wednesday, February 12, 2025

House Education Advances Four Senate Bills

The Education Committee met this afternoon.

Senate Bill 22 exempts churches from paying property taxes, even when leasing out to a school, daycare center or not-for-profit organizations. The bill advances.

Senate Bill 216 creates Student Journalism Press Freedom Act, which requires that public colleges and universities allow for the free expression of student journalists in school sponsored media. The bill advances.

Senate Bill 246 requires newly constructed public-school buildings and existing public-school buildings undergoing a major improvement to have water bottle filling stations. The bill also requires county boards to permit students in schools with water bottle filling stations to carry water bottles. The bill advances.

Senate Bill 261 requires video cameras in certain special education classrooms. The school principal is designated to be the custodian of the video camera, all recordings, and access to those recordings. The bill advances to Finance.

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